Grafton County Department of Corrections is pleased to offer Operation Impact, a free jail diversion outreach program for schools, after school programs and teen programs.

Operation Impact consist of a number of distinct presentations listed below to remind students to make good sound choices, each suited for the different grade levels K-12

Stranger Danger: Grade level K-4; 30 minute class

Acts of Kindness: Grade level Pre K- 2; 30 minute class. The class will play a bingo game based on a list of Acts of Kindness that the class comes up with. Students will act out the kindness before the bingo square can me marked.

Tucker Town: Grade level 2-4; a five part presentation where our Operation Impact Coordinator will come into the classroom and read to the students. Students will learn the difference between accepting medications that a trusted adult would give them for their health benefit and illegal drugs that may be offered to them from peers & strangers. In Tucker Town, animals live in beautiful park like surroundings with green grass and flowers. They sleep in quaint little cottages that circle a large swimming pool. The bleachers at one end of the pool are for visitors to enjoy performances by Tucker Town’s residents. The animals are behaving like members of a family. All but one is busy with jobs keeping Tucker Town neat and clean. The exception is the seal goofing off in the pool, but this is also typical of family life. Children strongly identify with the Tucker Town characters. They discover that the animal characters learn in the same ways that they learn and that differences between the animals are similar to the differences between themselves. Missy the Fox is a mischief-maker who knows how to persuade others to do her dirty work. Tilley the Turtle suffers from low self-esteem and is unsure of herself. Her contrary is Percy the Penguin, who is self-confident and has natural leadership qualities. The seals Flip and Flop are twins but only in appearance. Flip is warm, gregarious and full of fun, but totally irresponsible. Flop compliments Flip with his sense of responsibility, but he tends to be reserved and introverted. Our OPI Coordinator will come in each day for five days and read a chapter per day, followed by discussion, questions and pass out coloring pages.

It’s Your Choice: Grade level 1-7; 30 minute class. Kelso the Frog helps young students make their own decisions on smaller problems before asking an adult for help.

Let’s Learn About Character: Grade level 2-4; 30 minute class teaches students how to build strong character traits with the aid of building blocks made of respect, honesty, responsibility & self-control.

Six Pillars of Character: Grade level 5-8; 30 to 45 minute class. Students will learn about the Six Pillars of Character which are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring & citizenship. A small skit ends the class.

Bullying you may be held accountable: Grade level 3-6; 30-45 minute class. This presentation reminds students that besides bullying being unacceptable they may also be held legally accountable. A skit for students to participate in will be included.

Stop Cyber Bullying: Grade level 3-8; this class is about what cyber bullying is, how to avoid it and understanding it. Students will be able to define cyber bullying. Students will identify situations involving cyber bullying and learn different techniques to handle situations. Students will learn how to stay safer using the internet and electronic devices.

Self-Esteem: Grade level 4-6; 45 minute class. This is a presentation that defines high and low self-esteem, feeling good about yourself, surrounding yourself with positive people, etc… a small skit the students participate in is included.

Cyber Safety: Grade level 4-7; 30 minute class. This presentation focuses on three main risks of this cyber age: online predators, revealing too much and cyber bullying.

How to Say No and Still Be Cool: Grade level 4-10; 30 minute class. This presentation showcases the two different types of peer pressure and teaches the students several ways to just say no will be explained.

The Juul: Grade level 6-12; 30-45 minute class. The Juul is the most popular E-Cigarette today and this presentation will be an eye opener not only for students but teachers as well. A short video will end the class.

Rx Abuse: Grade level 7-12; 45 minute class. This presentation deals with the number one drug problem in America, prescription drug abuse.

Opioid’s Know you know, so just say no!: Grade level 8-12; 30-45 minute class. Teaches students the history, origin, costs, effects and how Heroin and its synthetic cousins are used on the streets today.

Job Shadow: This is for students, grades 8-12 who are seriously considering a potential career in Law Enforcement. This is approximately a 3 hour class. The student would be tagging along with our OPI Coordinator, observing what they do and talking one on one about the many different responsibilities of the job. During the job shadow a student or two will partner with our OPI Coordinator and learn about a career in corrections by observing and asking questions while they carry out normal work day activities. Job shadow is a real-life, authentic experience that can serve as a career exploration and assessment tool. Students will be picked up at school and transported to and from the Grafton County Department of Corrections in a caged cruiser to simulate true corrections authenticity. Job shadow will take approximately two hours at the Grafton County Department of Corrections. Students, their parents and the school will be required to sign a release of liability form.

A Day in a Life: Grade level 7-12; 45 minute class. This is a slide show presentation depicting a day in the life of a new inmate being processed into the Grafton County Department of Corrections. The slide show would include the change into jail garb, booking, classification into a unit, meals, phone use, visiting privileges, mandatory work details, disciplinary status, etc… Also emphasizing the need to make good decisions. At your approval an inmate may accompany our OPI Coordinator to the class to share first-hand the negative effects of being locked up and answer questions from the students.

DWD: Driving While Distracted: Grade level 4-12; 30 -45 minute class. This Driving While Distracted class deals with items such as our modern cyber technology gadgets and other things such as, eating and driving that can prevent someone from concentrating on the serious task of controlling a vehicle. With this DWD class, students will be able to describe the impact of distractions on safe driving. Students will be able to recognize common activities that distract drivers and identify teenage risk factors that contribute to fatal traffic accidents.

Anatomy of a DWI: Grade level 7-12; 45 minute class. Anatomy of a DWI covers positive peer pressure as opposed to negative peer pressure, what to expect when stopped for a DWI and its harmful ramifications. Anatomy of a DWI includes the use of a Breathalyzer (portable breath test) that the students use on me before and after I activate it with mouthwash. Anatomy of a DWI also includes the use of Fatal Vision Goggles which we conduct standard field sobriety tests with- such as, walking a straight line heal-to-toe or the one-legged stand. Due to the loss of balance and equilibrium produced by the goggles, the wearer will exhibit behaviors that are similar to that of someone under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs.

Natural High Drug Abuse: Grade level 5-12; 45 minute class. This is a series of videos that were produced in an effort to guide young people away from drugs. Personal testimonies are shared by drug free celebrities, athletes and role models. The goal for these drug abuse prevention DVD’s is to change the culture that currently presents drugs as harmless and sexy, and showing young people that you can live a fun, exciting and successful life without drugs and alcohol by embracing your natural high, our OPI Coordinator will lead a discussion of the DVD.

Jail Tour: Mature students are invited to North Haverhill, NH to tour the jail facility to see and realize the loss of freedom first hand. The tour will include the change into jail garb, booking, classification into a unit, meals, phone use, visiting privileges, mandatory work details, disciplinary status, etc. The last part of the tour, the students will be presented with an inmate describing jail life, the need to make good decisions and the results of poor decisions, followed by a question and answer session. Any variation of the above could be arranged to meet your needs. This is approximately a 2 hour presentation.

If you would like more information please contact Officer Michael Jolley at the office: 787-2019 ext 1705, Fax: 787-6011 or email:






                              Grafton County Department of Corrections is pleased to offer Operation Impact

Operation Impact